Theogenesis : SANZA II SLOKA I. Said the radiant
one to the shining face, "I will cause a shade to cover thy face for a day and a night of time. I will brood thy
young and bring them forth in strength and might when the shade has passed from thy face and thou shinest forth once
more." Commentary #1 ..The above mentioned creative energy of Akasha is also the fire - the Light of the Central
Spiritual Sun - from which the creative light, the life principle, is emitted or radiated and absorbed by the Suns during
their periods of passivity. With the opening of a period of activity, it gives rise to a ceaseless stream of energy
which increases in volume and power and imparts a definite mode of motion to the laya centres within its spear of action.
Within and without these laya centres the stream of energy play until, in the course of ages, what were originally zero points
in space have become visible, self-luminous Suns. The Shining face is such a Sun, in this case the sun in our solar
system. The second Stanza opens with an intimation to the Dhyan Chohan - the sun god of the sun of our
solar system - by the cosmic messenger Fohat, that the period of a partial pralaya is at hand wherein the light and life energy
of the sun shall be cut off from the earth to a degree that evidently would not permit of the continuance of life upon those
sections of the earth affected by "the shade."
It is evident that this can only be a partial pralaya
as the promise is given "will brood thy young".. There would have been no brooding of the young during a full solar pralaya
when neither heat nor light could reach any section of any of the planets belonging to the solar system. "I bring them
forth in strength and might when the shade has passed from thy face and thou shinest forth once more." At
the close of the partial pralaya and the commencement of the new period of activity the Fohatic power would be exerted to
increase the energy of the sun to a greater degree than formerly, in order that the newly evolving life germs might have the
advantage of more force and power.. The life and light of a sun is never entirely quenched during its full period
of manifestation. - a solar day - lasting many millions of years; but during a partial pralaya its power of radiation is much
decreased. The corona of the sun passes through great changes: some sections of the corona become unable to reflect
the light from within, and deep vortices are formed which appear to lead into the very heart of the sun. The space occupied
by these vortices is absolute darkness to human eyes. The planet, or planets, affected by one of the vortices is cut off in
full or in part from all heat and light until the swirling force of the vortex is overcome by a new impulse imparted by
fohatic power at the dawn of a new cycle, which increases the degree of the sun's radiation.. Thus passes the
Shade from the face of the shining one at the close of a partial pralaya.. "The day and night of time," during which "the
shade" was to cover the face of the sun, does not mean a day and night of Brahm. According to the teachings of the Initiates,
such inconceivably long periods as the last mentioned, are usually termed eternities. Commentary SLOKA II. ..For
the Sun to shine again with "seven-fold light" indicates that at some preceding period of activity the sun in question with
all its burden of life must have been developed to a very much higher degree. For the seven-fold light here mentioned
is the light of the Central Spiritual Sun. If the sun of our solar system were to shine again with that particular "light,"
it would be necessary for the energy of each principle of the Central Sun to be focused upon the Solar Orb again - as in some
preceding age when the cyclic law permitted such a like focus. Hilarion. Theogenesis. FLD.
The Central Spiritual Sun/The Cosmic Magnet Agni:
The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet impels humanity toward Truth, and the sensitiveness of the spirit gives knowledge
of the direction. INF II. The Cosmic Magnet can be seen as the power drawing humanity, indeed, all Primary
Matter along the path of spiritual evolution. Gloss AY. In one sense it is the Christos the Son of His Father-Mother.
It is the Preserver of the Trinity of Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. It is the corona of the Central Spiritual Sun, from
which emanates and to which must return every manifested object or form. In view of these facts is it surprising that the
materialist or the bigoted scientist finds it impossible to read the divine riddle of Gravitation? Temple Teachings
II. FLD. The Law of Gravitation: This law is for the non-occult student the most puzzling and confusing
of all the laws. It shows itself in one aspect as the power, and the stronger urge that a more vital life may have upon the
lesser, such as the power of the spirit of the Earth (the planetary Entity, not the planetary Logos) to hold all physical
forms to itself and prevent their "scattering." This is due to the heavier vibration, the greater accumulative force, and
the aggregated tamasic lives of the body of the planetary Entity. This force works upon the negative, or lowest, aspect of
all physical forms. The Law of Gravitation shows itself also in the response of the soul of all things to the greater Soul
in which the lesser finds itself.
This law, therefore, affects the two lowest forms of
divine life, but not the highest. It emanates in the first instance from the physical sun and the heart of the Sun. The final
synthesizing forces which might be regarded as forms of spiritual gravitational activity are, nevertheless, not so, but are
due to the working of another law, emanating from the central spiritual Sun. The one is purely systemic, the other a cosmic
law. TCF. Universal correlation establishes the balance which sustains the entire chain of manifestations.
The indivisibility of the entire cosmic process demands precision of correlation. The more powerful is the cosmic process,
the higher is the tension of gravitation to the Cosmic Magnet; the more resistance, the greater the pull of the magnet; the
steadier, the more powerful is the attraction. Thus, the attractive force of the Basic Magnet acts in correlation with
the universal process. As the acting force is expressed in the pull of the Magnet, so the gravitational force of universal
correlation collects the necessary energies. Humanity is attracted by the same process of the Magnet, that of universal
correlation. Infinity1 HR. That there is no gravitation in the Newtonian sense, but only magnetic attraction
and repulsion; and that it is by their magnetism that the planets of the solar system have their motions regulated in their
respective orbits by the still more powerful magnetism of the sun, not by their weight or gravitation. ISIS HPB. The
Cosmic Magnet is reflected in everything existing. Gravitation collects those particles of the creation of Cosmos which
in turn reflect the cosmic magnetism. The whirl forges the contacts wherever the psycho-dynamic force is affirmed. Wherever
the attraction weakens, severance results. Like an explosion, these breaks disperse the parts which belong to one element.
The cosmic magnetism gathers nations, gathers races, gathers parts of the world, gathers aspects of evolution, gathers arcs
of consciousness, gathers manifestations of all attractions. At the root of all vital manifestations may be discovered
cosmic magnetism, and even behind the karmic law stands the Cosmic Magnet. The very thirst for existence is conditioned
by the Psycho-magnet of Cosmos. Infinity1. The principle of attraction is based upon the Cosmic Magnet. The
cohesion of parts and their separation are subject to the very same law of attraction and to the principle of cosmic magnetism.
When the process of separation begins to predominate, the power of the Magnet then predetermines a new combination. All
prophecies regarding the falling apart or the uniting of states are based upon a decrease or increase of the Cosmic magnetism. The
luminaries, while passing through spheres of varying spatial vistas, attract or repel kindred elements. Unlimited power
lies at the root of every combination effected by the Cosmic Magnet. Infinity1.
That which science calls gravitation, the ancients
and the mediaeval hermetists called magnetism, attraction, affinity. It is the universal law, which is understood by Plato
and explained in Timaeus as the attraction of lesser bodies to larger ones, and of similar bodies to similar, the latter exhibiting
a magnetic power rather than following the law of gravitation. The anti-Aristotelean formula that gravity causes all bodies
to descend with equal rapidity, without reference to their weight, the difference being caused by some other unknown agency,
would seem to point a great deal more forcibly to magnetism than to gravitation, the former attracting rather in virtue of
the substance than of the weight.
A thorough familiarity with the occult faculties of
everything existing in nature, visible as well as invisible; their mutual relations, attractions, and repulsions; the cause
of these, traced to the spiritual principle which pervades and animates all things; the ability to furnish the best conditions
for this principle to manifest itself, in other words a profound and exhaustive knowledge of natural law -- this was and is
the basis of magic. IU 245. Jeremy Condick.